Monday, October 1, 2012

October 2, 2012 - Nine Months!

Dear Ashlynn,
We just can't believe you are already nine months old! Some days I just want to bottle you up so that you don't get any bigger...okay most days I say, stop getting so big! You are just so sweet and perfect the way you are. The light of every day truly is just seeing you smile and most days you want your momma most, which I'm pretty excited about.

We have had a very big month:
  • Your first two teeth popped out!
  • Your army crawl turned into a real crawl...and you're pretty fast!
  • You wore a bow...without a headband!
  • You pulled yourself up to a standing position
  • You giggle a lot, especially when being tickled
  • You took a couple steps while holding daddy's hands
  • You said "dada" 
  • Your favorite thing is still jumping in your jumperoo
  • You started eating lunch
  • You sometimes have separation anxiety when I leave the room or give you to someone, we are working on it, we don't want you to be upset
One of my favorite things is cuddling you when you are sleeping, it makes everything seem just a bit better. We love you more than anything and are so blessed God knew how much joy you would bring us even during a difficult year. We are so thankful for you. ♥ On September 19, 2012, Nana went to Heaven to be with Jesus. We are all very sad Nana is not here, but are thankful that she is healthy again in Heaven and now she is our loving guardian angel. There are not words to tell you how much Nana loved you. You loved her too, your favorite thing was to pull off her oxygen cord and glasses...even though we told you she needed those, you still tried to put them on yourself! Someday I will show you the videos and you will see how much you loved each other. 

I love you sweet baby girl!


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Cereal Time!

Ashlynn had her first meal of cereal on May 30, 2012. She was like a baby bird! She loved it!

Sitting in Style!

Ashlynn LOVES being outside. Nana and Papa had the great idea to take a blanket, the bumbo and Ashlynn's telephone and remote to the front yard. A good time was had by all...even if Ashlynn tried to climb out of the bumbo.

Almost Naked Baby!

Ashlynn's even cute in just a diaper and knee socks...and everyone thought it was the hair bows momma loves so much! :)

Let's Jump!

Since Ashlynn was almost five months old, it seemed like it was time for us to try out the Jumperoo. These pictures are from her first time checking it all out. She is so serious in all of them and trying to figure everything out, it makes me laugh.

Wow! Really?

I just love this face! Ashlynn gives us this look all the time. I think she's saying, Wow, mom! Really? I love how everything just seems so amazing to her. It's a reminder that we take so many things for granted yet to a baby, everything is new and exciting!

I'm Awake in Here!

What a good nap!

Mommy, I said I'm awake, why are you still taking pictures of me?

My mommy is going to leave me in here forever!

Okay I'll just lay here and suck my thumb.